

Using ChatGPT to your advantage

July 27, 2024

ChatGPT has many disadvantages such as

Lack of creativity: While ChatGPT can produce human-like responses, it lacks originality and creativity. The essay produced  would not know about how the student went the extra mile. It doesn’t go into detail on impressive outcomes. It doesn’t show that if student is unique or exceptional. It misses out on particulars

Dependence on data: Performance and accuracy are impacted by the quality and quantity of training data.

Biased responses: ChatGPT may produce biased or inappropriate content.

Limited understanding of context: It may not fully grasp the context of a conversation.

Ethical concerns: There are ethical and legal implications related to its use

Fluffy language: It may use descriptive language that is unnecessary which in turn can render the essay nonfactual and unauthentic

Critical Topic : It is not appropriate for complex topic

ChatGPT can be used in our advantages in essay writing

  Generate ideas: While ChatGPT can produce human-like responses, it lacks originality and creativity. The essay produced  would not know about how the student went the extra mile.

Research ideas on a topic : ChatGPT can point to research areas for a topic

Provide insights  : ChatGPT can point to research areas for a topic

ChatGPT can provide insights, explanations, on a paragraph and, helping you understand different perspectives and arguments